Donate for a Good Cause

WFP Assistance Programme

DonorInternational Development Enterprises
Start dateNovember 2010
End dateAugust 2011
Project DistrictsJumla, Kalikot, Rolpa, Pyuthan, Salyan, Rukum
AchievementsDistributed 1619 MT of food to 43885 beneficiaries (7879HHs) through Food for Assets.

Total 51 schemes were rehabilitated/ constructed in the working disticts.

Altogether, 40.86 km. road constructed in all 6 working districts. 183-meter boundary wall done in Jumla. 57.44 km of trail constructed in Kalikot, Rolpa, Pyuthan and Salyan districts. Irrigation facility for 80.13 ha land have been constructed in Kalikot, Salyan, Pyuthan and Rukum district. Similarly, four ponds and two school field schemes done in Pyuthan district.