What I am today is all because of Samunnati Digital Finance
Sita Chaudhary resides in Shantinagar of Dang with six family members. Farming and Tailoring are the main sources of income to meet household expenditure. She is skillful in sewing bags and has been running this enterprise from home for the last 14 years but not with that success.
She is a regular participant in the “Milijuli Digital Financial Literacy class” and has learned with high interest. In chapter 8, she learned a SWOT analysis of her stagnant tailoring enterprise and concluded that she has given less priority to her business because she has to spend more time in household chorus.
In chapter 11, ‘Understand yourself’, a discussion session with her husband, he realized the value of his wife’s skill of stitching and cutting. Furthermore, emphasizing her skills, she wondered if she could hire a staff by providing skill training for business expansion. The discussion concluded with her husband will learn tailoring skills from her. Moreover, she added one more sewing machine to work effectively so that she does not have to decline orders anymore.
Similarly, other sessions also built her stronger by stronger. In a workload analysis session, her family members agreed to cooperate her in household chorus. Now she pays her children’s school fee online and save some time.
Now, her per-month income has reached upto NRs. 35,000.00. In the long run, she has planned to provide skill training to interested candidates to expand their businesses. Considering all these facts, she says, Samunnati Digital Finance Project has transformed me as a successful entrepreneur. What I am today is all because of Samunnati Digital Finance Project.