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Citizenship certificate prepared to get benefit from the project

Citizenship certificate prepared to get benefit from the project

“Citizenship” is a document that establishes legal relationship between citizen and the state; and it protects the citizen’s rights. It also serves as a bridge between the state and its citizens.

Despite its importance, many people in the project communities live without citizenship for different reasons, depriving them of services from the state or other agencies. In this context, the Digital Financial Literacy Class conducted by the ‘Samunnati Digital Finance Project’ aims to maximize the use of digital mediums to save labor, time and expenses. In order to connect the project households with market actors digitally, the project is expanding the internet reach in the area. 1500 families had shown interest to install internet facilities in cost sharing basis and 700 have already installed it.

However, Ms. Bishnu Khadka from the Samaj Sudhar Digital Literacy Class at Jumlelakuri, Triveni Village Ward No. 6, Urmila Khadka from the Pariwartanshil Digital Financial Literacy Class at Triveni Village Ward No. 6, Jawal, and Yashoda Gharti from the Garapani Digital Financial Literacy Class at Triveni Village Ward No. 7, Dumla, faced uncertainty about internet installation as they did not possess citizenship certificates, which is required to install the internet at their homes.

But they quickly processed and obtained their citizenship and connected to internet with the project’s assistance.

Additionally, participants from the Garapani, Pariwartantashil, and Chinnethan Digital Literacy classes in Triveni and Runtigadhi Municipalities, along with five more participants, have begun the process of obtaining citizenship to connect to internet in the second phase.

The project has not only facilitated internet connectivity but also encouraged and supported citizens to obtain essential documents like citizenship. By doing so, it has underscored the importance of living with proper legal documentation and enabled participants to fully benefit from the digital revolution. The success of this initiative highlights the transformative impact of integrating digital literacy with essential civic documentation, empowering communities to thrive in the digital age.