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Economic Re-intregation in ReMi

Economic Re-intregation in ReMi

Reintegration of Returnee Migrant Workers (ReMi) Project is a bilateral initiative between Governments of Nepal and Switzerland. It is implemented by the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security (MoLESS), respective provincial line ministries (Province Koshi and Madhesh Province) and 20 participating local governments. The project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Helvetas Nepal provides technical assistance to the project on behalf of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). DEPROSC-Nepal as a subcontracting partner of Helvetas Nepal provided technical assistance on economic reintegration from July 2023-October 2024. The project was mainly targeted to migrant returnees specially from Gulf countries and Malysia.

DEPROSC-Nepal was to support Employment Service Centers (ESCs) in 20 selected local governments to become a hub for economic reintegration services. Particularly, it was involved in the development of information packages & referral pathways and capacity development of ESC staffs in economic reintegration.

The major deliverables during the project period included: mapping of available Economic Reintegration services; development of information package and referral pathways and training to LGs; validation of information package; potential sector identification for migrant returnees; entrepreneurship development training for employment counsellors; financial module development for migrant returnees and their families; interaction between LGs, private sector and RMWs for better linkages. All the activities achieved from DEPROSC-Nepal’s technical support are geared towards overall, building on existing initiatives of GON and Switzerland through Helvetas Nepal, to establish a coordinated, economic reintegration mechanism capacitating ESCs as a main entry point to reintegration services.