Natural Resource Management

In the field of Natural Resource Management, DEPROSC-Nepal has been involved particularly in forest management since its inception period. The implemented programs are focused on mobilizing resources for economic benefits of local in different regions of Nepal through implementation of diverse interventions for promotion and development of community managed forestry program, optimum use of natural water for drinking and irrigation purposes and plantation of multi-purpose tree and shrub species on barren and steep hills. Similarly, it has directly been involved in piloting, promotion, domestication, cultivation and use of non-timber forest product (NTFP) or medicinal plants and herbs of high economic value. DEPROSC-Nepal has handed over 7118 hectares of land to 5595 members/households represented from 608 leasehold forestry user’s group (LFUGs). Further, DEPROSC was also involved in conducting participatory action research in identification of strategic Non-Timber Forest Products. It has completed 9 projects benefitting 10,476 households under the theme.