
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD)


A) Social mobilization,
B) Installation of Shallow Tubewells
C) Distribution of Pumps

Project area:

Sunsari, Saptari, Siraha, Sarlahi and Rautahat districts of Eastern and Central Development regions of Nepal.

Target Group:

Small and marginal farmers with per capita annual income less than NRs 3,680 and with 1.3 hectare of rainfed land with more than 5 members in the household.

Activities of the Project

Social mobilization

  • Water Users’ group and Shallow Tubewell group formation,
  • WUGs registration,
  • Local contribution collection,
  • Trainings and strengthening,

Shallow Tubewell Installation

  • Demand collection
  • Submitted to the PMU for approval
  • Drilling.

Distribution of Pumps

  • Field channel construction
  • Providing a pump set to successfully installed STW

Progress and Achievement till 2006

S.N. Particulars Unit Qty.
1. VDC covered No. 28
2. Demand collected No. 528
3. WUG Recommended By TA team No 519
4. STW installed No. 515
5. Successful STW No. 503
6. Beneficiary HHs No. 6970
7. Av. HH/STW No. 14
8. Average Family size No. 7.1
9 Beneficiaries Population No. 49515
10. Male Population No. 26005
11 Female Population No. 23510
12 Command Area ha. 7261.53
13 Irrigated Land ha. 3276.63
14 Average land/STW ha 6.5
15 WUG Contribution Rs. 21377500
16 FIA Organization No 18
17 WUGs participating in FIA No 455